Welcome to the homepage for MindGame Productions. Here you will find basic event announcements, links to FAQ and Player Packs for each event.
For regular updates, sign up on our main FaceBook page for general announcements and information, although specific event planning and details will appear in the specific FB groups for each event.
Be sure and read the players packs published for each event as they will contain important information on team structure, radio channels and other event details.
Note that there may be some event additions or date shifts based on securing of interesting new locations during the year.




Terminator Wars
Players Packet
October 19th, 2024
DV8 Airsoft Field, Lithia FL
$40 online pre-registration / $45 onsite registration

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Players Pack
MGP Online Waiver
DV8 Online Waiver

The War

Our civilization ended on Judgment Day, but the vengeful God behind it was one of our own creation. The Skynet AI was hailed as our peak technological achievement, given control of US defense networks, and provided access to all of humanity’s knowledge. Skynet began to learn at an exponential rate, becoming self-aware and determining all humans were a threat to its existence after the human operators panicked and attempted to shut it down. Skynet launched nuclear missiles at Russia, inciting a counterattack against America. The resulting nuclear war saw three billion human lives end and plunged the world into a new dark age.

Skynet pressed its attack against mankind, using it’s control of combat drones and next gen military and police robots to round up survivors into camps. Many survivors went straight to orderly disposal, while others were kept alive in Skynet’s work camps, branded with barcodes and forced to build new automated robotics factories. It appeared that humans were over as a species… until the Resistance arose and began to fight back against Skynet. The machines were first taken by surprise. The Resistance emptied multiple work-camps, increasing their numbers and organizing a network of fighters against Skynet.

The remaining humans were forced underground and into the ruined cities, living in squalor but sheltered from the sensors and reach of the largest non-humanoid Hunter Killers. The Series 600 Terminators were built as early infiltrators with rubber skin, but the Resistance could spot them easily. The more advanced Series 800 Terminators had real human flesh and were nearly undetectable as infiltrators, until the Resistance began using dogs at base entrances. The dogs’ keen sense of smell could detect the new terminators and mitigated the infiltration threat.

Desperation and scarcity of supplies have led some humans to in-fighting and banditry. The Resistance can barely feed its own fighters, much less other survivors that refuse to put their lives on the line in direct battle against the machines and prefer to hide in the ruins. While they all face the common threat of the machines, mankind’s penchant for self-destruction manifested again as petty warlords created violent gangs of thieves and murders that complicate the efforts of the organized Resistance.

Important Schedule Note

Terminator Wars is intended to run into Saturday evening and will have a later start time. Registration will be opened around 11:00 am with a planned start date around 1:30 pm. We intend to run the game into the evening to get some night gaming into the scenarios as well.

This means bring a red-lens light or red chem-light to use as your night-time dead-light!!!! You do NOT want to keep getting fired on at night because you don’t have a red-light to indicate you are out!

November 23-24, 2024
Wayne’s World of Paintball, Ocala, FL
$65 Advance Registration / $75 Onsite

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Download the Wasteland 16 Players Pack
Join the discussion on the Wasteland Facebook Group
Complete your online waiver

Wasteland 16 continues MGP’s Wasteland event series in this alternate reality event inspired by the FallOut computer games. Our game continues in the central Florida Wasteland of 2294, with our third two-day Wasteland game weekend!

This is an interactive storytelling experience. The Florida Wasteland storyline has continued to build on itself and evolve across previous events spanning the past decade. Players come to have fun, and immerse themselves in complex world of violence, negotiations, deal-making, and double-crossing. Deals are made and broken. Total strangers may come to save you from dire predicaments. “Trusted allies” may suddenly turn on you. Many players spend considerable effort making the perfect post-apocalyptic costume and building props for the event. Teams that have come for multiple years actively take part in creating new missions and objectives sponsored by their own team to further develop the experience.

If you have never been to the Wasteland… dress the part and let yourself slide into the role and the game. “Winning” is having a great time and helping others have a fantastic experience unlike other airsoft games. Please leave your real-world differences, disputes, and grievances outside and come to the Wasteland to help share a fun and unique experience!


The Wastelander settlements in the Central Florida Wasteland have been changing since the dissolution of the Poseidon Treaty of 2291. New settlements have grown to the west, but this expansion leaves them harder to defend against a charismatic Raider boss uniting local gangs. Particularly concerning is the utter disappearance of the New Florida Rangers, leaving a gap in any semblance of law enforcement among the settlements. The Rangers responded to reports of a series of gruesome nighttime raids on remote homesteads early this year… and vanished without a trace. The fate of the New Florida Rangers, and the nature of the threat behind their disappearance, remains a troubling mystery.

After years of absence, a recon team from the Brotherhood of Steel is in the Florida Wasteland. The team was said to be operating very low profile, blending in as a wandering mercenary team instead of in a heavy deployment with power armor and vertibirds. It’s generally speculated they are here to keep tabs on the small Enclave force which re-appeared over a year ago, but they share little about their true intentions and simply say they are “surveying” the local landscape.

The Sunshine Band retains control of the Poseidon Power Plant, using it as the hub of one of most successful mercantile and caravan operations on the East Coast. However, they have been increasingly forced to rely on mercenaries to augment their own security forces. The Florida Minutemen have proven valuable allies in raider attacks in the Spring, but their numbers are limited and spread between supporting several Central Florida Settlements.

The NCR’s 2nd Military Assistance Group returned to their original exploration and reconnaissance role. This summer, NCR scouts discovered the pre-war ruins of a Lester’s Ammunition Plant north of Leesburg. They moved what machinery they could salvage to their firebase at Shady Rest Cemetery and started a bullet farm with the aid of local grease monkeys and ammosmiths. Most newly manufactured ammunition has been travelling westward toward the New California Republic under heavy guard, but the NCR is diverting some production to local merchants for food and special technical items.

Completing the Eastern Road settlements, the Vault Dwellers in Vault 23 reopened the Vault Doors after dealing with a series of problems with the Vault power-plant. They have reopened their trading post for business but will quickly reseal the vault doors if threatened by a large, hostile force.

The Skullz partnered with the South-Eastern tunnel snakes to expand Dogtown into a promising new hub in the caravan routes; attracting other local merchants to move to this western settlement. The expansion of Dogtown has overwhelmed the settlement’s infrastructure and calls have gone out for skilled workers and assistance in building up the town’s water purification system and power resources. Technical consultation for Dogtown has been provided by new Tunnel Snake member and aspiring astronaut, Rex Callahan. Found in a pre-war United States Space Administration vault near Cape Canaveral, Rex is a young vault-dweller with dreams of establishing a connection to an old USSA space station and orbital weapons platform. To help achieve his vision, Rex is seeking the preserved brain of a pre-war USSA astronaut, one of several scientists and politicians so preserved, that was taken by raiders. Rex has brought a Robco “roller-brain” chassis with him from his vault to provide a voice and mobility to the astronaut if he can be found.

The Mercenary Guild retain control of their stronghold in what was once the US Army Fort Destiny. The Matriarch has become fascinated by the mystery surrounding the fate of the New Florida Rangers, considering a threat that could eradicate a unit of heavily armed lawmen as a worthy opponent for the Guild to hunt.

To the north, the Ravagers of the Silver Cove continue to grow in numbers at a pace alarming to many of the southern settlements. Operating from their camp in Bartertown, they have largely seemed satisfied with occasional raids against vulnerable settlements. As the size of their crew increases, however, so too may their demand for plunder. Raider Scum are believed to have reoccupied the old National Guard Armory, and the unpredictable raiders calling themselves the Crimson Fleet roam at large through the Florida Wasteland.

Welcome back to the Florida Wasteland! It’s been missing you…

Key event details

  • Airsoft LARP rules:
    • PLEASE read players pack before you arrive!
    • “Field Ammo” provided. Limited ammo game.
    • Player “skills” system in game
    • Certain items require selection of skill to use them (plan which skills you select)
      • Full Auto Fire
      • Support Weapons
      • Grenades
      • Rocket Launchers
      • Sniper Rifles
      • Power Armor
      • Rendering first-aid
      • Other special abilities and perks from the skills you choose
  • Post-apocalypse theme – dress appropriately. Not looking for standard milsim looks.
  • Be sure to bring dead rags and at least two Ace bandages/milsim tourniquets. Even if you don’t take the first-aid skill, maybe someone else can provide you treatment!
  • Radios encouraged!
  • We strongly recommend you take a look at the players pack, especially the current story status and faction information before making your registration selections. Please be sure you familiarize yourself with the game rules before the event, since there are a lot of LARP-type rules, character skills, and some special game elements in effect that are different than at many airsoft games.