Welcome to the homepage for MindGame Productions. Here you will find basic event announcements, links to FAQ and Player Packs for each event.
For regular updates, sign up on our main FaceBook page for general announcements and information, although specific event planning and details will appear in the specific FB groups for each event.
Be sure and read the players packs published for each event as they will contain important information on team structure, radio channels and other event details.
Note that there may be some event additions or date shifts based on securing of interesting new locations during the year.

February 22-23, 2025
DV8 Airsoft Field, Lithia, FL
$55 Advance Registration / $65 Onsite
Sign Up Now!
Download the Galactic Civil War: Flames of the Rebellion Players Pack
Join the discussion on the FotR Facebook Group
Complete your online waivers for MGP and DV8
We’re excited to announce that MindGame Productions will be bring the Flames of the Rebellion events into the Galactic Civil War event series! This airsoft-based science fiction LARP has been running successfully for many years and we’re very excited to work with the GCW team to establish Florida as a new GCW event destination. This players’ pack introduces the Galactic Civil War rules set… bringing in some new elements to our regular players. We think this will be a great rules model and national community to enhance this science fiction airsoft LARP.
Galactic Civil War: Flames of the Rebellion is a two-day event at the DV8 field in Lithia, FL. It is a “transition game” in which we bring in the core GCW ruleset and introduce many GCW elements, with more features and elements added in 2026.
Event Setting
Galactic Civil War: Flames of the Rebellion will be bringing MindGame Production’s FotR event series into the Galactic Civil War universe with adventures and battles on the Outer Rim world of Lithia Prime.
Lithia Prime is a remote planet on the edge of the galaxy’s Outer Rim Territories, in the Lithia system of the Elloraan Sector. Lthia Prime’s surface is covered in jungles, oceans, and forests with swaths of prairie. Lithia Prime orbits two suns—Kara I and Kara II, making the sweltering Lithian summers uncomfortable to off-worlders, but the winters on Lithia Prime can be pleasantly mild.Lithia Prime was a prominent trade post before advancements in hyperspace technology. It was used as a popular stop-off along older routes for those who headed into Wild Space. However, after new well-charted hyperspace routes were established, the planet was bypassed by most travelers. It became a port for smugglers, gamblers, and explorers who traveled from the galactic frontier further into Wild Space and a haven for those preferring life in the shadows.
One of the larger settlements on the planet is Endres Station. This outpost serves as a modest star-port and transshipment point through the Elloraan sector and a popular refueling point enroute to Altoona IV. Endres Station is a rough place, largely built from the very containers used to ship goods throughout the galaxy, and salvaged hulls from broken down ships. The outpost is a notorious smugglers’ haven, dominated by the Black Sun crime syndicate.
“It’s a sort of crossroads where everyone is way too busy with their own
business and secrets to worry too much about any of yours.”
―Kraton Wagner, “A Travelers Guide to the Elloraan Sector”
The Empire maintains a small garrison on Lithia Prime, although it maintains a contract with the Mercenary Guild to augment Imperial troops in local policing duties. The Black Sun maintains an uneasy balancing act, considering the volume of smuggled goods it passes through the Lithia system. If a reasonable semblance of order is maintained in the streets, the Empire doesn’t spend a great deal of effort clearing out the less savory elements on Lithia Prime, but occasionally the regional governor elects to make a show of force and cracks down on organized crime in the system.
The presence of the Black Sun syndicate and countless other smugglers, criminals, and renegades led the Bounty Hunters Guild to establish a presence. Hunters operate on Lithia Prime and use it as a launch point for tracking wanted criminals into Wild Space. But an abundance of bounty hunters in the system can be bad for business. It’s not uncommon for patrols to find the body of a brash bounty hunter dead in a back alley after taking on more than they could handle or for notable hunters to earn the ire of the Black Sun and find that they have a price on their own heads.
There has been speculation that the Rebellion may have established outposts in the forests of Lithia Prime and may be trying to take advantage of the planet’s well-known smuggling trade to organize shipments of weapons and the safe, anonymous transport of agents and troops outside Imperial-controlled shipping routes. This could be a potential windfall for the Black Sun if the Rebels can deliver the credits needed for their services, but this could easily awaken the wrath of the Empire and destroy the current balance under which the syndicate operates.
Key event details
- Airsoft LARP rules:
- PLEASE read players pack before you arrive!
- Seriously… do NOT come without reading the players pack and/or studying the GCW website
- Character Classes which offer certain in-game abilities
- Players may earn character upgrades in-game to level up their character abilities
- Upgrades and credits earned will go into national GCW database for future GCW games
- Specific Character Classes required to use:
- Support Weapons
- Sniper Rifles / DMRs
- Select other abilities
- Science Fiction Theme – dress appropriately. Strict uniform requirements.
- NO CAMO except for Rebel use of ATACS FG/AU
- Be sure to bring dead rags or dead sash (reflective running belt).
- Radios encouraged!
- Please familiarize yourself with the game rules before the event. This is an airsoft LARP and you really don’t want to walk in cold and unprepared.