From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 11/27/2287
Hey Lisa,
Did you hear about Jenna? I just overheard some people talking about her last night at dinner. Apparently, she and Mark have been having some serious issues. Word is he caught her sneaking in late a couple of nights ago, and let’s just say he wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. I can’t believe she’s still with him after everything.
And don’t get me started on her drinking. I saw her with a flask during last week’s movie night! Honestly, it’s like she thinks we don’t notice. I know it’s tough down here, but she really needs to get it together. What do you think?
Talk soon!
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 11/27/2287
Hey Claire,
Oh my gosh, yes! I heard about that too. I can’t believe Jenna would be so reckless, especially with Mark’s temper. She really has a type, doesn’t she? Honestly, I thought she would have learned her lesson after her last fling.
And about the drinking—ugh! I noticed she’s been making excuses to leave the cafeteria early. I don’t want to gossip too much, but I’ve seen her hanging out with some questionable crowd lately. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s trying to drown her sorrows or something.
By the way, have you heard about Kyle? I caught him trying to sneak a bottle of whiskey out of the supply room the other day. Apparently, he’s been having a rough time with his work assignments. That kid really needs to find a hobby or something.
Let me know what else you hear!
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 11/28/2287
Hey Lisa,
Ugh, Kyle again? I swear he’s always in some kind of trouble. You’d think he would’ve learned by now, but I guess some people never change. I saw him talking to Jenna last week, so maybe they’re both just trying to escape reality together?
On another note, did you see how Sarah looked at the last community meeting? She’s been avoiding everyone, and I heard from Karen that her and Tom have been arguing a lot. Apparently, it’s over his constant “project time” that leaves her alone most nights. Honestly, I wouldn’t blame her if she was looking for an escape too!
Anyway, let’s catch up later this week. I could use a drink or two to keep up with all this drama.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 11/28/2287
Hey Claire,
Oh, for sure! Sarah does look drained. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to deal with Tom’s obsession with those “projects.” Honestly, it feels like he’d rather hang out with his tools than with her.
As for Jenna, I think we should maybe check in on her? I know she can be a bit much sometimes, but I don’t want to see her spiral out of control. Maybe we can invite her for a girls’ night? Who knows, it might help.
And definitely, let’s plan for drinks! I need to debrief on all this vault gossip. There’s never a dull moment in here!
Talk soon!