Brian Simmons announces Sabbatical from MindGame Productions
November 6, 2013
MindGame Productions (MGP) sadly announces that after much consideration and discussion, Brian Simmons will be taking a sabbatical from MGP, military simulations (milsim), and traditional airsoft communities to work on private projects.
While not dismissing Brian’s past mistakes, MGP decided years ago–when he first came to us about his mistakes–to look at the man he is now. We see his merits, his hard volunteer work, and dedication to the sport we all love. Mostly, we understand that EVERY one of us has made mistakes–but not every one of us has tried as hard to make amends.
Brian has decided to take time away from MGP and the airsoft/milsim communities so he may dedicate more time to his “Just Be Joe” initiative. This is his personal project to address the wrongs of Stolen Valor within our community (and society at large) and to discourage others from making the same mistake by sharing his own personal experiences. His blog also offers those who have already made those choices a way to come clean and be supported through the process. You can read more at We sincerely thank Brian for his many years with MGP and wish him the greatest success in this project. We want him to know that we always will consider him our friend, and look to continue to support him in the “Just Be Joe” initiative and future projects.