Subject: Final Phases of Cape Canaveral Vault 106
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: September 1, 2077
As we move into the final phases of the Vault-Tec Vault construction outside Cape Canaveral, I want to reiterate the urgency of our timeline. With increasing tensions and the potential for conflict escalating, we must ensure this facility is ready to accommodate our personnel and their families.
I need each of you to provide updates on your respective areas. Deputy Adams, can you clarify the current capacity projections? We need to address any concerns about space limitations as soon as possible.
Director Smith
Subject: RE: Final Phases of Cape Canaveral Vault 106
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: September 2, 2077
Thank you for your email. I’ve been reviewing our latest capacity reports, and we currently project that we can accommodate 300 residents comfortably. However, with the key personnel and their families needing priority, we may face significant challenges in balancing space and comfort.
I recommend we explore the possibility of expanding living quarters or prioritizing certain family sizes for relocation. I will work with Chief Engineer Brown to assess if any modifications can be made in the design phase.
Deputy Adams
Subject: RE: Final Phases of Cape Canaveral Vault 106
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: September 3, 2077
I understand the urgency of this situation. Currently, the design includes modular living spaces, but expanding them significantly will require additional resources and time.
If we are to accommodate more residents, we need to consider the potential impact on the vault’s structural integrity and environmental systems. I propose we hold a meeting this week to brainstorm feasible adjustments.
Also, we should start looking into alternative housing solutions nearby if we cannot resolve the capacity issues internally. I understand that Vaults 31 and 101 were built using deep sleep technology originally developed by the USSA to more effectively house and preserve survivors. We may have a few dozen of these systems currently available at Canaveral but would require authorization to divert them from planned missions in 2078 and 2079.
Chief Engineer Brown
Subject: RE: Final Phases of Cape Canaveral Vault 106
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: September 4, 2077
I appreciate the insights so far. Given the growing concerns, we should also consider psychological impacts on our personnel and their families. A cramped environment can lead to stress, which might hinder our operations and morale. I’m also not sure how some family members will deal psychologically knowing members of their family are deep frozen in the same facility. Realistically it may not be practical to revive these sleepers until it would be safe to leave the vault, at which time the rest of their families will be decades, if not centuries passed. We also have (obviously) never tested the units for suspending personnel longer than six months. Studies have demonstrated theoretically the preservation could be sustained for years… but we may be talking much longer than ever anticipated for these systems.
I suggest we incorporate recreational and communal areas into the vault’s design to foster a sense of community, even if space is limited. This might help mitigate some of the issues arising from close quarters and keep families together. Not separated by a freezer door.
Let’s meet to discuss all these points further.
Subject: RE: Final Phases of Cape Canaveral Vault 106
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: September 5, 2077
Thank you for your quick responses and insights. I agree that community spaces will be crucial for maintaining morale. But I’m not ruling out the value of repurposing these deep sleep chambers if we believe they can be replaced in time for the 2078 and 2079 missions. Let’s aim to finalize a plan by the end of next week.
Please prepare your proposals for the meeting and be ready to discuss potential compromises. The safety and well-being of our personnel are paramount as we complete this project.
Looking forward to our discussions.
Director Smith